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Video Upload

If you have questions how to use our uploads features (we have some) check this https://github.com/DanielnetoDotCom/YouPHPTube/wiki/About-Video-Upload

Playlists and channels

This section explain, how you can modify your channel and playlists.

Create a playlist or add video to existing

Go to a video you want to add. Under the video, press the button “+Add to”. If you have no playlist, you can create a new in the downer field.

After creating the playlist, it will show up above. There, enable the checkbox to add the video finaly to the playlist.

Sort playlist

Go to “My channel” and there down to the bottom. You will see your playlists there. For sorting, simply drag and drop them there.

Set background for My channel

As you may reconize, there is a background in your channel. This can be set under the menupoint “My account”.


Here you find information about how to handle videos. Uploading videos need upload-rights for the concrete user.

Add videos

There are various kinds of media you can integrate here. They are working diffrent:

Medi atyp e How to set Note s
Audi o Via enco der or dire ct uplo ad Via enco der, most form ats are poss ible , but you need to enab le the Extr act audi o-op tion . With dire ct uplo ad, only MP3 and OGG is allo wed
Vide o Via enco der or dire ct uplo ad Via enco der, most form ats are poss ible . With dire ct uplo ad, only MP4 is allo wed
Embe ded My vide os-> Embe d a vide o link ->Em bede d Only dire ct mp3- or ogg- file s – if you down load it with the link , it shou ld be a movi e-fi le. No goog le-d rive or stre am-h oste r. Also , do not mix http s and http .
Dire ct audi o-li nk (mp3 or ogg) My vide os-> Embe d a vide o link ->Ch oose Dire ct audi o-li nk (mp3 or ogg) Only dire ct mp3- or ogg- file s – if you down load it with the link , it shou ld be a audi o-fi le. No goog le-d rive or stre am-h oste r. Also , do not mix http s and http .
Dire ct vide o-li nk (mp4 ) My vide os-> Embe d a vide o->C hoos e Dire ct vide o-li nk (mp4 ) Only dire ct mp4- file s – if you down load it with the link , it shou ld be a movi e-fi le. No goog le-d rive or stre am-h oste r. Also , do not mix http s and http .

Deleting videos

After you add any kind of video, you can find it in My videos

On the right site, you find various symbols, means edit.

There, you can set

  • Preview-picture and gif
  • Title and description
  • Category
  • Next video

With the other options, you can delete, rotate and promote a video
